Monday, June 30, 2008

Gosh it's been a while

It really has. Still here though, and still working away :)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Critters Update

So, my work has been available for critiquiing on that website I told you about since Wednesday. So far I have received TWO critiques. The first is from an old man who does not like fantasy. He only critiqued the first paragraph (which I have since removed anyway). The second reviewer wrote a very long paragraph about what they were going to do in the second paragraph, which turned out to be a very short review (one half-sentence) of the first paragraph.

FUCK'S SAKE. So pissed off about that, now. Jeez, there's shit (I mean really really really shit) short stories there that have received way more critiques - I'm talking thirteen at the last count.

Oh well, I suppose it's harder to critique something that has less faults. I was surpsrised that in the weekly "ping" (email from the website telling you about those stories that had received the least reviews so far in order to bump up the number received) the other day that a story I had reviewed had received only two or three. And it was a FANTASTIC story! I suppose it was rather hard to review.


Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ho hum. It's been quite a tiring few days. Had a real booger of a cold the last couple of days: felt worst of all yesterday, but seem to be feeling a little better now. Poor Mrs B has got it bad today. I had a coffee on Wednesday when Mrs B was out and suffered no ill-effects, and so had another one the next day and the next ... but today my tummy is a bit sore. So I shall stop the coffee again, take up once more the tummy pills for a few days, and hope I am completely well soon. Poop. I love kwaffee. 'sot fair.

Anyways, chapter one and an earlier draft of chapter two will make it to the front of the queue for critiquiing on wednesday ... eeep, my work shall be up for public scrutiny. I shall let you know how it gets on during the week.

Byesiebye for now.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Hello, hello, hello.


I sold my car yesterday, and I'm still undecided as to how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's a relief to be rid of it: not to have to worry about the tax expiring at the end of the month, the MOT being due the month after, the costs on the horizon we just can't afford at the moment, the many many calls about the car, the fuckwits that arrange to come over, kick the tyres, wobble the engine, hiss between their teeth and offer fifty quid (one guy drove it up the road and back, stalled it 5 times on the way up the road and three times on the way back, flooded the engine and tried to convince me that the engine was, in his words, fucked! dumbass, I'm not that stupid).

On the other, she was my baby, my Acorn, and we've had some good times with her. It was that car that took me and Mrs B to the maternity unit at 3am when she went into labour. Yaknow, that kinda thing. And she was my little bit of independence.

Oh well. C'est la vie.

Well, better get on. I expect Mrs B would like to check her emails.

Love you Mrs B. You rock. :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Guten Donnerstag

i fink. to be honest, my german ain't too spot on these days! lol

Well, After the awful day that was Peter's worst day ever, I then had to endure one of mine: migraine strikes again. I've been having so many of them recently :( Ah well. I asked my new shiny GP about that and he shrugged: could be the battery of medications I take or it could be the increased stress of recent events or it could be a combination of the two or it could be other factors not thus far taken into consideration etc. At least this doctor is writing to the rheumatologist to ask him to see me within the month rather than (by around) June (ish)!

Also, Mrs B is having a girls night out tomorrow. It's her first one in quite some time - since before we got pregnant with Peter, in fact, I think it might be her first one since we got married! Crikey. I didn't realise how long it had been. I think she's looking forward to it, but is also a little nervous about it too! So am I, actually. It'll be nice for her to get out of the house by herself, have a few drinks with her friends and generally let her hair down for a few hours. But I shall miss her terribly and will be glad when she gets home and I can snuggle up to her drunken ladyship and giggle at her slurred speech :)

Anyways, I'd better get off the intermenet :)


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Poor fluffy

What a rough day yesterday was. Still, he slept much better last night and has actually been quite cheerful so far today (touches wood). And he has started saying "mummy" with much more frequency :) Awwwwwwwwww. So proud!

Also, here's some more: if you're interested :)

Oh, and hoo graa! May I fondle your ischial pleats ;p (Will Self rocks!)


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Whiny fucking baby


Make him stop! He's been whingeing aaaaaaaaaaall night. Have had broken sleep and now its 8.12am. I've just tried to give him his breakfast but he won't open his mouth to eat. He's playing with a toy now, but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.
